Did you know that the majority of the items in our warehouse come from our trucks? Our reuse nonprofit’s incredible truck team goes out into the community each day to provide a convenient, free pickup service to residents and businesses, ensuring that home and building materials remain as community resources rather than waste.

In 2023, we diverted over 170,000 items from the landfill. A large portion of that came from over 1,500 pickups we provided to residents and businesses. Our truck crew covered over 25,000 miles, enough to drive coast-to-coast across the US ten times! And we also provided 113 deliveries of furniture, refrigerators, stoves, washers and dryers, and more to families and individuals in need who receive our materials for free.

Yet, we need your help to keep our truck teams on the road. With your financial support, we can…

  • Divert even more materials from landfills and keep our truck teams out on the road
  • Increase free deliveries of home essentials to our neighbors in need
  • Continue to provide free pickups of materials to residents and businesses throughout the region
  • Cover the maintenance and fuel costs for our truck fleet
  • Support our hard working donations team who facilitate our truck operations

Your financial support allows our reuse nonprofit to continue providing this vital service to your community. Thank you!

Every time you donate or shop at Community Forklift, you’re helping us lift up local communities through reuse.  We turn the construction waste stream into a resource stream for communities in the DC region – by keeping perfectly good items out of the landfill, preserving historical materials, providing low-cost building supplies, and creating local green jobs. 

reuse warehouse


Give a microwave or minifridge to a community partner or nonprofit organization.


Supply one set of safety equipment for a member of our truck team.


Provide two refurbished air conditioning units to local residents without A/C.


Outfit a family room with furniture and home essentials for households with limited resources.


Provide one month of free home essentials deliveries to neighbors in need.


Cover one month of truck expenses for our free Donation Pickup Service.