Around this time every year, Community Forklift staffers, customers, and volunteers join the Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN) for their Polar Bear Plunge at National Harbor. This event is CCAN’s biggest fundraising event, powering victories to move our region off of fossil fuels and on to clean energy.
This year’s event is a virtual (or brrrr-tual … hahaha) plunge next Saturday, February 13. Whether it’s a “climate bucket challenge” or a chilly dip into a frozen lake 6 feet from other people, plungers will find some way to get freezing cold to support CCAN. Our team at Community Forklift has something special planned at the warehouse this year to support the cause in a socially-distanced way. I won’t spoil the surprise (keep an eye out on our Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter accounts for the video evidence), but I can promise it will involve Forklift employees and very cold water!
CCAN’s work has a direct impact on our region, and they’ve celebrated some major victories in 2020: the Atlantic Coast Pipeline was cancelled and Virginia joined the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, banned offshore drilling, and passed the Clean Economy Act! Thanks to CCAN, the green economy is growing.
Here’s how you can support our plunge!
The Forklift Freezers have set themselves a lofty team goal of raising $1,500 this year (and if we make our goal, Community Forklift receives part of the proceeds for our work to create green jobs and reduce pollution!). If you’d like to support our icy recklessness, please donate to one of our plungers on the Forklift Freezers Team Page. Your tax-deductible donation to CCAN promotes policies that keep fossil fuels in the ground and advance clean energy in Maryland, DC, and Virginia. Thank you for the support!