April 9, 2020

COVID-19 has been a difficult situation for small businesses and non-profits, and as both of these things Community Forklift is no exception. We’re continuing to provide free and low-cost home repair supplies to our community through our Home Essentials program and limited warehouse hours.

Community Forklift and the green economy need your support now more than ever. Here’s how you can help:

Every little bit will help us fulfill our mission to promote reuse and provide free and low-cost home essentials for our community. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit and your donations to us are tax-deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law.

Getting a gift card now will provide us with funds that we need to stay open and continue supporting the community.

Browse thousands of new and vintage items, from appliances and art to tile and tools. We have shipping and no-contact “loading-dock-side” pickup available!

We hope that with your help, we can welcome back our staff to the warehouse and reopen even stronger! Forklift Strong! Thank you for your continued support and for being a part of the Forklift Community.


Every time you donate or shop at Community Forklift, you’re helping us lift up local communities through reuse.  We turn the construction waste stream into a resource stream for communities in the DC region – by keeping perfectly good items out of the landfill, preserving historical materials, providing low-cost building supplies, and creating local green jobs.